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Subscribe for Hidden Stocks at Attractive Prices after Recent Results


Mr. Parveen Kumar Sharma, Proprietor of 10paisa.com SEBI Registered "Research Analyst" Reg. No. INH100006427 (Oct'18)

SmallStocks.in offers in-depth and active research in recommendation of 2 Stocks having Price Upto Rs.100 on Every Saturday around 6:00PM through it's Website. Subscribers will get Login Details Immediately after subscription to view recommendations.

About Services

You will be able to see Newsletter every Saturday Evening by using username and password provided by us to our subscribers. If you make payment through Credit/Debit card/Net Banking etc. then you will get username and password immediately, otherwise after credit of your cheque to our account. We Recommend 2 Stocks Weekly i.e. 2 Stock below Rs.100 on Saturday Evening around 6:00 PM along with Analysis Report.



Different from Others

Intelligent Investing

SmallStocks.in is a website for prudent investors… for people who wish to make their hard earned money increase in value through intelligent investing. By researching over hundreds of shares of the Indian stock market, SmallStocks.in chooses only such worthwhile gems that are most likely to earn good money for investors.

First-Rate Stocks

After a careful study and analysis, we recommend two potentially first-rate stocks with analysis reports every week wherein investments could help our subscribers make profits when the recommended stocks achieve their target value.

Our Aim

The aim of our newsletters is to help subscribers increase their monetary gains by way of investment in different recommended stocks and thereafter selling the same whenever they achieve the predicted target value. This strategy not only enables excellent returns on investment but also a means to increase wealth and confidence to further invest in recommended stocks of future.

Do's and Don’ts

We don’t recommend stocks in futures & options or intraday trading as we do not want any subscriber to lose even one rupee by way of speculation. Working round the clock, our research analysts labour hard to pick good quality stocks as per their fundamentals, availability at reasonable prices as well as good risk-reward ratio.

Our Newsletter

By availing our newsletters, subscribers get recommendation of 2 Stocks upto Rs.100/- Every Saturday evening along with Analysis Report about the Company’s financial well being and market prospects as well the target price of the Stock.

SmallStocks.in is A Unit of 10paisa.com
Diversified Investment